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The Mysterious Strike in Cocks

A small village near Carrick is shaken up by an unlikely crime.

The village of Cocks hadn't seen any action in years. It was a quiet, sleepy place, with little more than a corner shop and a post office to its name. That all changed one fateful day, when the news spread like wildfire that there had been a strike at the local library. Yes, you heard that right - a strike. In Cocks. No one could quite believe it.

The library itself was a modest little building, with just a handful of books and a couple of computers for public use. But it seemed that something had gone awry with the staffing. Rumours were flying around that the librarians had been acting strangely in the weeks leading up to the strike. They were said to have been unusually irritable and short-tempered, snapping at customers and each other alike. It was suggested that something must have been going on behind the scenes, but no one could quite put their finger on what it might be.

The day of the strike arrived, and the library remained firmly shut. A small group of baffled villagers gathered outside, trying to make sense of what was happening. The librarians themselves were nowhere to be seen, and no one seemed to know where they had disappeared to. That was, until a member of the public made a startling discovery. In the bushes behind the library, they found a large, heavy key - the kind that only a librarian would carry. It was smeared with some unidentifiable substance, and no one could say for sure where it had come from. But it was enough to set tongues wagging.

The investigation that followed was a strange one indeed. The police were at a loss as to what could have driven the librarians to take such drastic action. But as they dug deeper, they began to unravel a web of secrets and lies that had been hidden in plain sight for years. It turned out that the librarians had been involved in a complex conspiracy involving stolen books, backroom deals, and at least one blackmail attempt. The strike had been their desperate attempt to cover their tracks before they were found out. Needless to say, the sleepy village of Cocks would never be the same again.