Beyond the rolling hills of Moray, hidden in a dense forest, lies the small village of Redstone. The villagers are known for their unusual traditions, many of which are tied to the ancient red stones scattered throughout the land. It's said that standing on one of these stones can bring a person luck and good fortune, but only if they are willing to complete a difficult physical challenge first.
Legend has it that many years ago, a group of powerful wizards gathered in Redstone to perform a ritual that would imbue the stones with magical properties. The villagers believe that the magic is still strong today, and that those who are fit enough to master the physical challenges of the stones will be blessed with unique abilities.
The first challenge is to run a mile through the dense forest in under ten minutes, weaving in and out of the trees and jumping over fallen logs. The second challenge requires the participant to climb a steep hill, carrying a heavy stone on their back. If they reach the top, they must then toss the stone down a shaft and hit a target at the bottom. It's said that those who hit the target will be granted great strength.
Finally, the most difficult challenge of all - to climb to the top of the tallest redstone and meditate for an hour. It's said that during this time, the stone will speak to the person, revealing to them their true destiny. Only a select few have ever completed this challenge, and those who have say that it is a truly life-changing experience.