Set in the heart of Gaer Park, the remains of the castle stand proud against the sky, a testament to Newport's rich heritage. Built in the 14th century by the Welsh Prince Owain Glyndwr, the castle was a key stronghold during the Wars of Welsh Independence.
Despite its strategic importance, the castle played host to a bizarre assortment of events over the centuries. The infamous magician John Dee was said to have conducted experiments in the tower during Elizabethan times, while the Duke of Wellington once used the site as a secret meeting place during the Napoleonic Wars.
Sadly, the castle's decline began in earnest in the late 19th century, when it was converted into a private residence. After years of neglect and decay, the castle was finally abandoned in the 1960s, leaving it to crumble into the ruins we see today.
But for those willing to brave the rugged terrain of Gaer Park, the castle remains a stunning destination for history buffs and adventurers alike. From the crumbling walls to the overgrown moat, visitors can glimpse a bygone era and explore the hidden corners of this forgotten fortress.
So why not dust off your hiking boots and delve into the secrets of Gaer Park Castle? With a little imagination, you might just be able to hear the echoes of battles and magic that once rang through this storied site.