Nestled in the quiet countryside of Preseli Pembrokeshire lies Treleidr, a hidden gem for botany enthusiasts. The botanical garden at Treleidr boasts an impressive collection of rare and exotic plants from around the world. From the delicate ferns of Madagascar to the towering cacti of the American Southwest, there is no shortage of flora to admire.
But the garden in Treleidr holds more secrets than meets the eye. Rumour has it that a rare type of carnivorous plant has taken root within the garden's walls. The Drosera adelae, colloquially known as the 'adelae sundew', is known to lure insects to their doom with its sticky tendrils before devouring them whole. Will you dare to venture into the carnivorous section of the garden to witness this marvel of nature?
As you wander deeper into Treleidr's vast botanical garden, you come across an old pond surrounded by a diverse array of aquatic plants. A large, bright green flower with a curious geometry and bold hues catches your eye. This is the Victoria cruziana, the queen of water lilies. As if straight out of a fairytale, these flowers can bear the weight of a small child, and during twilight, they release a pleasant scent that engulfs the entire garden.
Before you pack up and leave Treleidr's botanical garden, make sure to stop by the greenhouse. Here, an army of time-travelling plants awaits you. The Selaginella Lepidophylla, also known as the 'resurrection plant', can survive for months without a drop of water. The Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, or the 'maidenhair fern', remains unchanged since the Jurassic period, some 200 million years ago. These plants are living antiques, a testament to the miraculous power of nature to evolve and adapt, even in seemingly inhospitable conditions.
Treleidr's botanic garden offers an immersive experience that is both educational and captivating. Intrigue, mystery, and beauty lie within its walls. Come, discover the secrets that this enchanted garden holds.