Nestled in the heart of Ribble Valley, lie the enchanting Upper and Lower Fence Woods. These woods are not just any ordinary woods, for they have been chosen as a filming location for an upcoming adventure movie set to be released next year. As we stepped into the woods, we were greeted by the bustling of the production crew, setting up their equipment and preparing to shoot the next scene.
The entire woods were transformed into a magical wonderland, with hidden pathways leading to secret clearings, and streams meandering through the trees. It was as if we had stumbled upon a mystical realm that only a select few were privileged to get a glimpse of. The lead actor and actress were busy rehearsing their lines, while the director was calling out instructions to the technical team. It was an incredible sight to behold!
As the sun started to set, the entire place glowed with a soft golden hue, casting long shadows across the forest floor. The camera crew quickly got into position, ready to capture the last scene of the day. The lead actors emerged onto a clearing filled with fireflies, and as they began to recite their lines, the entire place erupted with a swarm of glittering fireflies. It was a surreal moment that left us all speechless.
As the crew wrapped up for the day, we made our way back through the woods, still captivated by the beauty of it all. It was hard to believe that this was just a small glimpse of what movie magic could do to transform a place. We left the woods, already waiting in anticipation for the release of the movie, so we could relive our adventure in Upper and Lower Fence Wood.