Nestled in a quaint corner of Hudds Barton, lies the forgotten boat club that once hosted the most prestigious annual yawl race. Yawls, a type of two-masted sailing boat, were all the rage in the late 19th century and Hudds Barton was the place to be for keen sailors in the region. However, as yachting gained more popularity, this once-thriving boat club was gradually forgotten.
The clubhouse, a charming brick building with an ivy-covered roof, still stands tall and impressive, a testament to the glory days of yachting in the area. Inside, one can find antique sailing equipment, including a sextant and a knot meter. The yawls themselves were all sold off years ago, but you can still see the remnants of the boat slips along the river bank.
One of the most interesting aspects of the boat club's history is the annual yawl race. This race was the most prestigious event of the year and was attended by sailors from all over the country. The course was a challenging one that tested the skill and endurance of the participants. The race was eventually abandoned due to safety concerns, but the memory of it still lingers on in the minds of the locals.
Despite its decline, the boat club and its surroundings have a unique charm that is hard to ignore. The nearby woodland is filled with towering redwoods that have been standing for centuries, and the sound of the river lapping against the shore is truly serene. If you take a moment to pause and look around, you might just catch a glimpse of what life was like in this quiet corner of the world, where yachtsmen once ruled the waves.