Close to the historical town of Kerrier lies a small village called Mount Ambrose. Recently, the village has been buzzing with news of an electrifying incident that took place late at night. A resident was shocked by the electric current running through the taps in his house! Yes, you heard it right. The water pipes were carrying an electric current strong enough to give a nasty shock!
The incident baffled the experts, who were called in to rectify the issue. One of the experts said it was the first time he had heard of such a thing happening in his 30 years of experience. Investigations revealed that an old electric cable had come into contact with the water pipes, causing the current to travel through the water and into the resident's house.
The incident has left the residents of Mount Ambrose shaken. People are now afraid of using the taps and are boiling water before use. Some have even resorted to using bottled water. The water company has assured the residents that the issue has been fixed and the water is safe to use, but it will take some time for the residents to feel safe again.
This shocking incident has put Mount Ambrose on the map for all the wrong reasons. It just goes to show that even in small villages, strange things can happen. So, if you're planning on visiting Mount Ambrose, make sure to check if the water is safe to use before taking a shower!