Nestled in the heart of Westley Bottom lies Cockpit, a strange and ancient site shrouded in mystery and myth. The first thing that strikes visitors is the sheer size of the area; a colossal circular depression, some 40 metres in diameter and 2 metres deep, surrounded by an earthwork bank. Theories abound as to its original purpose - could it have been an amphitheatre for cockfighting, an enclosure for ritual activities, or even a Bronze Age burial mound?
Despite numerous excavations, the function of Cockpit remains elusive. However, one thing is clear - this striking feature was of great importance to the people of the area, and its presence continues to leave a profound impact on those who visit. Standing within the hollow ring, one can't help but feel a sense of wonder at the history and energy within the landscape.
As you explore the site, keep an eye out for traces of the past - flint moulds, pottery fragments, and even a Roman coin have all been found here. The nearby Devil's Dyke, a 7-mile defensive earthwork constructed during the Anglo-Saxon period, adds another layer of intrigue to the area's rich history. But Cockpit remains the most enigmatic and beguiling feature, beckoning visitors from far and wide to immerse themselves in the mystery and beauty of this ancient site.
Whether you come to contemplate its purpose, marvel at its construction, or simply lose yourself in the magic of the landscape, Cockpit is a must-visit destination for anyone fascinated by the secrets of our past. So why not make your way to Westley Bottom and experience the wonder of this unique and spellbinding place for yourself?