Deep in the heart of Addington, near the picturesque town of Caradon, lies a mysterious artefact that has puzzled locals for centuries. Known simply as the 'arm-rest', this elegant piece of stone has withstood the test of time and remains one of the most unique and fascinating finds in the United Kingdom.
The arm-rest is believed to date back to the early 12th century, when the area was inhabited by a small population of monks who used it for meditation and prayer. Its smooth surface, intricate carvings, and unusual shape make it a true work of art, and have sparked the curiosity of historians and archaeologists alike.
Despite its significance, the arm-rest was forgotten for many years, buried deep beneath the ground. It was only recently rediscovered by a team of excavation experts who were amazed by its beauty and historical value. Now, it is open for public viewing, and many visitors come from far and wide to marvel at this unique treasure.
If you're planning a trip to Caradon or the surrounding area, be sure to make a stop at Addington and see the arm-rest for yourself. Its beauty and mystery are sure to leave a lasting impression, and you may even discover something new about the fascinating history of the United Kingdom.